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Measuring Growth Potential

Assessing your organization’s markets, systems, strategies and leadership

Whether you’re an early-stage entrepreneurial venture looking to improve your business processes and bottom line, or a well-established enterprise that has hit a plateau, our expertise will help your organization reach new heights of success and enterprise value.

In this era when new technologies and methods are arriving at a rapid rate, no one group or individual is able to think through every improvement approach independently.

Our seasoned advisors and consultants will help your business develop scalable, repeatable, and trainable practices that harness and improve your organization’s internal drive.

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The Evolution of Your Company: Continuous Growth and Alignment

  • We offer mid-size organizations the opportunity to evolve to a high-growth level. We measure, analyze, improve and align each organization’s management and business processes, inspiring all levels with a strategy-focused, customer-centric strategy.
  • Alegian Growth Partners Balanced Systems approach ensures that your strategy for agile growth and sustainability is implemented in ways that keep all organizational levels, systems and business processes aligned with that strategy—and with one another.
  • We’ll convert every pillar of your organization from reactive to proactive, ensuring that it is strategy-driven.
  • We’ll partner with you to refine your technology, processes, management and workforce for optimal productivity and strategy implementation, while ensuring that all levels work in balanced symmetry with one another.
Our Model

Action and Accountability: Five Levels

Our measurements and analysis are designed to reveal each organization’s growth maturity capability.

As a company gains in maturity growth, operation within each pillar’s subcategories becomes increasingly advanced. The model’s Maturity Levels signify significant movement forward in maturity growth.

Our Model Model Model description

This model contains five levels of maturity growth

  • 1 level - Ad hoc

    Ad hoc

    On this initial level of organizational maturity, the organization has very little structure and lacks long-term planning and sustainability. It is dogged by ill-defined processes, lack of best practices, and poor communication among branches, sectors, departments and individuals, as well as ill-defined, ineffective or unimplemented decision-making processes and strategy.

  • 2 level - Reactive


    This level is marked by some improvement in business and management structure and processes. However, the organization is still plagued by inconsistent, irregular planning, lack of strategic management practices, and lack of balanced, cohesive structure. Though basic financial management practices are in place, they do not support organizational development.

  • 3 level - Planned


    On this level, management and executives have raised the standards of structure and accountability. Actions include introduction of performance measurements, definitive company strategy, alignment of employee and departmental goals with strategy, well-defined employee and management processes, introduction of a skills and knowledge database, and improved standards in products and services

    Improved financial management practices enable growth, but do not provide protection during times of market fluctuation and turbulence.

  • 4 level - Sustainable


    The company is driven by its strategy, which is fully implemented through company-wide standards, processes and innovations. A customer-centric standard is upheld. Value to customers and sensitivity and awareness of customer needs and pain-points are strong and show consistent improvement.

    All departments define and implement basic people management practices. Staff development and increasing employee motivation are considered critical. Employee satisfaction is measured regularly, and improvements are implemented.

    All pillars, units, sectors and departments and are aligned to overall strategy and objectives, and with one another, in their processes, communication and implementation of strategy, with no tolerance for a silo mentality.


5 level - Agile (Continuously Improving)

This level signifies a mature, agile company with a flexible structure and approaches. This organization constantly studies the customer/market’s needs, while partnering with the customer to fulfill those needs. It is always ready to respond to a constantly changing market and customer requirements.

Performance is continuously evaluated in terms of strategic goal achievement. The effectiveness of strategic planning and management processes are also continuously evaluated, with improvements adopted whenever needed.

Every pillar of the organization employs leading edge best practices, and remains in balance and alignment with every other pillar, thereby optimizing performance on all levels.

Agile growth translates to a strong organizational culture with a high risk-tolerance, low-to-moderate aggressiveness, and a focus on means as well as outcomes. Vision, values and overall strategy are well-defined and effectively communicated to every level, inspiring highly motivated and engaged employees.

Each new level of maturity reached is a significant step forward, requiring a new set of measurements to assess progress on that level. The process continues until a consistent high-growth status is reached and sustained.