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Accelerating Velocity Developing Potential

Your company is ready to make the move to high growth markets, processes and revenue—and our proven guidance can help get you there.

Measuring Your Organization’s Potential

  • Our method is transparent and collaborative. We’ll first engage in a discussion with you about your current objectives and status, including short and long term plans, organizational structure, core competencies and vulnerabilities
  • Our consultants will then review data that reveal the state of your company’s performance and processes.
  • We’ll employ cutting-edge diagnostic tools to determine your organization’s current maturity levels, and to see where and how your management processes can be strengthened or balanced.
  • Throughout this process, we’ll collaborate with you to create the changes that will increase your organizational agility, including building the change management team needed to institute these changes.

Our Process



  • Kick-off meeting
  • Plan and schedule assessments
  • Identify business problem(s)


  • Interview and consult with executives, management and employees
  • Perform systems and business process reviews
  • Prioritize
  • Present preliminary findings to management team

Action Planning

  • Discuss possible actions for improvement
  • Present recommendations to management
  • Partner with management to prepare an action plan to implement changes

Implementation and follow-up

  • Implement action plans
  • Follow-up meetings & measure improvement and results

Accelerating Velocity: Increasing Agility

Increasing your organization’s agility, maturity and sustainability is at the core of our work. We’ll evaluate your current position not only to expose vulnerabilities and inefficiencies, but to help you plan forward movement into agile expansion and growth.

Research surveys have revealed that 9 out of 10 executives believe that agility is a core differentiator for growth, critical to a company’s success. Agile firms have been shown to increase revenue 37% faster and generate 30% higher profits than less agile companies.

Lack of agility translates into lack of competitive edge, due to an inability to anticipate and respond quickly to basic shifts in the market.

Strengths critical for success include:

  • Being an innovation leader in your market niche

  • Consistently ensuring a superior customer experience

  • Knowing how to turn information into value for the customer

  • Creating reliably high-performance products and services

Backing all of this is the customer-centric focus, a core element of market competitiveness. Customer-centricity drives innovation, adds value, and requires flexible decision-making.


Our methods are designed to help us evaluate and assess the maturity levels of your organization’s structure, strategy and business processes fully and quickly, taking as little time as possible, with minimal distraction from the work day.

Surveys of business leaders name the traits and enablers of an agile, high-performance culture as being:

  • Rapid decision-making and execution

  • Innovation and customer-centric focus, which thrive in a high-performance culture

  • Ability to access the right information at the right time

  • Accountability

Regarding mid-size companies:

  • 44% of those surveyed said mid size companies have the edge in terms of agility, over large companies and small firms

  • 67% said mid size companies “believe they are moderately agile and have the business information available to support their primary job responsibilities”

Trusted Advisors

More than simply acting as consultants in the traditional sense, we are trusted advisors, able to offer seasoned insights and experience. We treat your business challenges as our own.

We’ll assess where your business is now and where it is headed, according to the levels of efficiency, productivity, innovation and alignment it is currently operating on.

Rather than imposing our own plans and ideas, we’ll listen to your vision and goals for where you want your organization to be five and 10 years from now.


We’ll absorb your internal values and ideas, asking informed questions as we gather information about all levels of operation. With an ongoing willingness to collaborate with you, we’ll synthesize your ideas and preferences with the practical steps needed for your organization to fulfill its high-growth goals.

Change Management Teams: Building Momentum

We’ll collaborate with you to build an effective change management team that communicates strategy and changes in ways that inform and inspire your workforce.

We’ll help you create a culture of continuous learning, and give your management the tools needed to implement action plans that align systems and processes with high-growth strategy.

Employee Engagement: The Effects on Financial Results

A 2012 analysis of 50 global companies, the Towers Watson Global Workforce Study, looked at both sustainable engagement data and relevant financial data. It found clear differences at the organizational level in average operating margin as compared to sustainable engagement levels.

Same-year operating margin:

  • Companies with low traditional engagement

  • Companies with medium traditional engagement

  • Companies with high traditional engagement

Alegian Growth Partners assessments and analysis will first reveal the current growth maturity capability of all four pillars of your organization

We developed our unique assessment process using successful, proven diagnostic tools, including:

  • The Balanced Scorecard Model for creating strategy-focused organizations (Kaplan and Norton, 2000)
  • The Corporate Growth Capability Maturity Model (Software Engineering Institute, 1986)
  • The BSC Strategic Management Maturity Model (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2010)
  • The Project Management Maturity Model (Project Management Institute, 2003)
  • he Innovation Platform Maturity Model (RathBeau Technologies Ltd, 2012)
  • The Financial Capability Model (Office of the Auditor General of Canada)